Special Needs Dogs for Special Owners
These abandoned & abused dogs, mistreated to the point of desperation had the great luck to be taken in by BMAR. They can be dog selective, human selective. They have been allowed to decompress and just be dogs! Volunteers play with them, care for them, and give them companionship. They have toys, treats, and have been taken about to socialize (under strict supervision). They are not ready for public, they can't go to the dog park. They have to be integrated in to society under a strong and watchful hand. They are available for transfer to rescues, trainers, and very competent adults. Each one of these dogs has a history and we will tell you all about them with honesty so you can make a real determination if they can go to your home. Please ask every question you can think of...
Here's what we've been working on...
Ready to go...BUT ACTIVE
Ready to go...people selective

Happy -medical needs
Heidie -Medical Needs hold
Henderson Lucky, under eval & vet
Sally - puppy mill rescue. Medical needs
on hold...spay complications

Here's what we've been working on...

Here's what we've been working on...these babies need an understanding human!
Trouble...Medical needs GSD
Gigi. Allergies. People selective
Bob Tail - Feral
Itori - Advanced Senior GSD
Wesson -Advanced Senior GSD
Desi -advanced senior GSD
Smithy - Advanced senior GSD

Medical Needs Or On Hold....not available yet
Buttons. Chronic Heart failure. In Sanctuary - Not adoptable
High Heartworm+ In Treatment

Medical Needs
Brooks awaiting neuter
Shire. awaiting neuter
Yeller awaiting neuter
She's available now!
Dahlia..on intake

Awaiting Vetting (spay & neuter 0r heartworm treatment)
Available Soon
Red Boy hw+
Skeeter pending heartwrom treatment
Awaiting Spay & Nueter
Kris Kringle...double Cryptorchid
Medical needs...on hold

Gazebo wound up at the same kill shelter 3 times! Adopted by awful owners each time...from healthy smiling puppy to heartworm positive with mange over 90% of his body..scabs everywhere. Final adoption - picked up hit & drug by a car! We will get him well in body & soul. This will never happen to him again!
Grayson was dumped from a moving vehicle locked in that crate! Abused, thin, damaged...& he hated humans! Patience, rescuers, care, dedication....result = a beautiful happy boy! Nicknamed Munch (trained by treats) he should probably stay here....he's a little iffy with strangers & great right here!
Fatmeat was litterally drug into a kill shelter with a huge chain padlocked onto her. Scared & capable of defense...she was marked for EU. BMAR took a chance & she has come a long way! Not ready for public yet, we have concentrated on giving this beauty a chance to live! No more breeding for her.
Joey is a senior poodle mix that arrived in terrible shape, blind in both eyes due to infection, immediate eye surgery, extreme dental, skin issues, matted to the skin...very aggressive due to fear. He is a work in progress
Working on these.....
Karma - not available - intense PTSD. Will keep you updated
Josi -pending evaluation. Young, fully vetted, hw neg male terrier mix
Bree. Cancer - Medical needs. Hospice.
Chance. Retraining. Dog Selective
Almost ready!
Fully vetted...ask us for details. He is very people protective.
Happy...Not available yet
Millie...almost ready

Projects in the making....
King. Not available. Dog *& Human Aggessive
Lemon. 1/2 Sharpei, 1/2 Terrier. NO CATS
Logan on intake. He's recovered now. Wait for new pictures!
Louie..he's ready and fully vetted. will update shortly!
Duke Nueces. Behavioral issues! But he's coming along...
Ethel awaiting spay & hw status
Freya Nueces. Awaiting Eval
Reese. Awaiting Surgery

Not available.
Monkey. Not available. Birth Defect
Not available...he bites! Lot's of training for this winsome fellow!
Newman...awaiting medical
Bella K13 awaiting medical
Not available. Owner surrender
Lola Nueces. Not available
Not available. Reevaluating

Special Requests
Human shy, Can be dog aggressive
Pumpkin. Very dog aggressive. Fully vetted. Loves people, car rides, games. Needs special owner and no other dogs.
Nugget. Available by Special Request. Human & Dog selective.
Pinky. Not Available. Medical Needs
Sally. Mammory tumor
Trip. Not available. Aggression issues
Zooms...awaiting vetting